Remember The Guy I Wished Had Gotten Killed By A Bison At Yellowstone? Turns Out He's Been On A National Park Crime Spree

Remember this asshole who was taunting a bison at Yellowstone National Park?

I wrote a blog on Thursday saying I wished he had gotten killed by the bison and I meant it. Anybody who taunts an animal like that deserves to get ragdolled and murdered by the animal. The guy thought he was so cool messing with an animal 10 times his size. He wasn’t cool. He was an asshole for doing it. That video above made me so angry I had to get up from my desk on Thursday and walk around. So I said I wanted him dead.

Well turns out my instinct was 100% right cause apparently the guy has been on a spree of causing trouble at national parks since July 28th:

Glacier National Park rangers arrested Raymond Reinke, 55, in the Montana park on Thursday. Reinke was wanted for the incident in Yellowstone and had encountered law enforcement officials in at least three national parks since July 28.

Reinke was first arrested by law enforcement on July 28 in Grand Teton National Park for drunk and disorderly conduct. He spent the night in the Teton County Jail and was released on bond.Rangers then stopped a vehicle on July 31 in Yellowstone for a traffic violation in which Reinke was a passenger. Again, officers reported Reinke seemed to be intoxicated and argumentative. He was cited for not using a seatbelt. During this exchange, Reinke reportedly told rangers he had plans to travel to Glacier National Park next.

The man is menace! A flat out menace. He got a citation for not wearing a seatbelt, looked the park rangers dead in the eye and told them where he was headed off to next to cause trouble. What a maniac. We cant have people like him freely traveling the countryside. Is this what old people do for fun during retirement? They drive around the country to various national parks and cause trouble? Sounds kinda awesome actually but I stand by wanting him dead. You shouldn’t be allowed to taunt innocent bison like that.

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